Wondering how we connect online?
We offer convenient online appointments from the comfort of your home or office. All you need is a computer or tablet and an internet connection.
Remote, virtual, online…call it what you want, but the bottom line is— your sessions will happen from the comfort of your computer.
Connected Speech Pathology identified the need for remote speech therapy and communication coaching years ago, well before the COVID-19 outbreak. Because of this, we have many years of experience using an online platform to deliver services.
We have the technology and resources at our fingertips to easily facilitate web-based experiences for our clients using a HIPAA-compliant platform and diagnostic and intervention tools at the forefront of research.
The benefits of online communication coaching are immense.
Online sessions are an effective way to connect with anyone who wants to speak with more confidence and greater clarity.
The benefits of remote sessions:
easy-to-use web-based tools that simplify diagnosis and intervention
more convenient than traveling to appointments
interactive and meaningful
access to world-class specialists from the comfort of your computer